About Us


Welcome to HighStreet Church online—your gateway to a loving, compassionate church family and to our many community events and services. I hope you’ll find plenty to feed your mind, soul, and body while you’re here … and that you’ll be convinced to join us in person at our weekly Sabbath worship.

The Bible says, “Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together … but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24). May this visit be your first step in fulfilling this divine call!

Gathering Times

Friday: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturday: 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM

the gospel in actions



Our History


Pastor W.H. Mattison, President of the South India Union, Pastor David Davamony, Pastor of Bangalore Central SDA church and Pastor Bob Manners, Director for Health and Temperance of South India Union with the help of the members of the Bangalore Central SDA church planned and conducted an evangelistic meeting in a tent erected in the vacant lot opposite the present High Street Church


The High Street Church was organised as a Company in January 1986 by Pastor J. Daniel, the President of the Karnataka Section, as it was then known. This small company of believers was fervent and dedicated to the message and the growth of the church. They worshiped in the open premises of the ground floor.


The High Street Church slowly moved into its next stage of forming itself into a full-fledged church as it was growing, and the members desired that it be recognised as a church. With the help of Dr. John Wilmott and the pioneer lay members of the High Street church, Mr. Benjamin Matthew, Mr. John Abraham and Dr. Jacob Daniel it was organised into a Church by late Pastor J. Daniel on December 7, 1991


The church was moved to the 2nd floor in 1996, and it was inaugurated by Pastor D. R. Watts, the Division President, and Pastor R. John, the Union President, and several other ministers and members.


It was a privilege and high honour for the Pastor and the Members of the High Street church under the leadership of Pr Michael Pedrin and Dr Jacob Daniel, the first elder of the church, to celebrate the joyous occasion of the Inauguration of the New Church building. On 11th February, Pr Ted Wilson, the General conference President inaugurated the Church Building and the facility for the glory of God.

Many humble and gifted pastors served the High Street congregation over the years. The Lord Jesus Christ guides and still leads the Church as the Chief Shepherd.

People in the service

Our Team

Dr Jacob Daniel

First Elder

Saji Varghese

Second Elder

Leah Stanley

Church Clerk

Nageswara Rao


Eugene Simpson

Sabbath School Superintendent

Immanuel Jones

Head Deacon

Sundari Solomon

Head Deaconess

Rachel Rajan

Dorcas Ministries

Geetha Riches

Women Ministries

Dr Pravin Aaron

Adventist Youth

Giri G

Health Ministries

Shrikanth Shendkay

Family Ministries

Shirley Franklin

Children Ministries

Michael Christopher

Communication Department

Ashish Gaikwad

Music Department

Nelson Abraham

Social Department

Dr Vivek Magimaidas

Publishing & Outreach Ministries

Samuel Jaideep

Audio-Video Department

Samson Sandeep

Church Florist
Contact / Location

Contact info

12, High St, D Costa Layout, Cooke Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560005
Phone: +91-9916907642
E-Mail: pastor@highstreetsda.org

Gathering Times

7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Events / Calender